You may have noticed some changes here at The Information Security and Policy office has taken a new name and undergone a website redesign. We are now The Information Security Office or ISO. Don't worry, all of our great content is still here. The new layout may take some getting used to, but our search function is better than ever and can help you find what you are looking for.
Why the new name?
“When the security program changed from SNS to ISP it was meant to reflect the evolving scope of the organization to include not just network security, but data security, compliance work, and policy development. Today we have evolved again. The Information Security Office is now heavily engaged in identity lifecycle and access controls, research consulting, user education, and cyber risk assessments. The ISO is committed to a broad, cross-functional program for reducing the frequency, severity, and impact of security incidents and this name change is meant to reflect the sheer breadth of our work," explained Chief Information Security Officer, Jeremy Rosenberg.
Whatever the name might be, our focus has remained the same for the last 18 years. Our teams have always been committed to providing an environment that protects the privacy and security of information and electronic resources necessary to support the University’s mission. Every person on campus plays a role in keeping the whole safe. A major incident can have a significant impact on the University’s business operations, financial health, and reputation.
Where did Policy go?
Policy is still under our purview and ISO is still responsible for the development and maintenance of campus policies. While most people on campus associate Operations, Compliance, and Policy with our office, we are actually comprised of five teams: Security Operations, Assessments & Compliance, Policy, Identity & Access Management, and Education & Awareness. We work together to provide the faculty, staff, and students with the necessary tools, services, and knowledge to protect themselves and the campus.
We know change is hard and we appreciate your patience as our team evolves. If you feel like reaching out, email us at