Discover security training courses and tools
Annual Cybersecurity Awareness Training
This mandatory, computer-based training covers a variety of information security topics and is accessed through the UC Learning Center, supported by Berkeley People & Culture. Additionally, you can access the course via the information on the People and Culture UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals(link is external) page.
Who has to take the training?
- All faculty, staff, and student workers are required to complete the annual training.
Why is training required?
- As part of UC system-wide efforts to address the increasing threats to the security of our information systems and data, a comprehensive security awareness training program was created for UC staff, faculty, and student workers. Every member of the University community has a responsibility to safeguard the information entrusted to us. Phishing attacks and stolen credentials remain a top threat to our individual and institutional online security. To establish greater awareness and to reduce these and other key exposures to the security and privacy of our data and systems keeping up to date on cybersecurity training is crucial.
Is the annual refresher training required?
- Yes. All faculty, staff, and student workers are required to complete the annual refresher. The Graduate Division and the Office of the Dean of Students will communicate with students who do not complete the annual refresher. Human Resources will communicate with faculty and staff through the Learning Management System.
Where do I find the training module?
- You will receive an email with information on where to find the training. Additionally, you can access the course via the information on the People and Culture UC Cyber Security Awareness Fundamentals(link is external) page.
What happens if I don't complete the mandatory training?
- If completion of the required training does not occur, salary increases will be delayed and will not be retroactive. The merit increase will be effective the 1st of the month following completion of the requirement(s).
What is the best browser to run the training on?
- We recommend using the Chrome browser.
Who can I contact for help accessing the training?
- If you are having issues running the training, email ITCS at sends e-mail)
Security & Privacy Training for Staff
- LinkedIn Learning(link is external): Free online videos available to UC Berkeley staff.
- UC Learning Center(link is external): A portal to workplace learning where UCB staff can enroll in e-courses on cybersecurity
- Veterans: Free Cybersecurity Training(link is external): The Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE) provides free online cybersecurity training to U.S. government employees, Federal contractors, and veterans.