Microsoft Windows 10 End Of Life

September 5, 2024


Every Windows product has a lifecycle, and that lifecycle ends when it no longer receives security updates or fixes, software updates, and/or technical support. On October 14, 2025, Microsoft will discontinue support for the Windows 10 Operating System. Without security patches, these systems will be easy targets for hackers, malware, and viruses.

Campus policy requires that devices connected to the network run software for which security patches are made available - and installed - in a timely fashion. After support ends, Windows 10 will no longer comply with campus policy.


1. Upgrade your machine's operating system:

  • If you aren't sure what version you are running, you can get assistance here
  • If your departmental IT manages your computer, submit a request through your department’s internal process.
  • For university-owned managed computers, please follow these instructions to upgrade your computer to Windows 11. 
    • The process will take 45-60 minutes to complete and may require 2-3 reboots of your computer, so please pick a time that works well for you. This operating system upgrade should not affect data local to the computer.

If the self-service process described above is not available on your computer, please contact technical support for assistance.

2. Purchase a new computer: 

If you wish to purchase a new university-owned machine, contact IT Client Services

3. Decommission the computer:

Determine if the computer is no longer needed and should be taken offline, then open a request to have it decommissioned. 

Factors that determine the end of equipment lifecycle: 

  • Hardware warranty has expired or the device is 5 or more years old
  • Hardware cannot support a current, actively patched Operating System
  • Cost of fixing out-of-warranty hardware failure exceeds the cost of a new computer

Request to have your computer decommissioned:

  1. Go to: 
  2. Select Device Support
  3. Select Computer Support
  4. Select Decommission a device
  5. Complete the required fields and submit the ticket

 Before you get your new computer, you’ll need to: 

  • Move any local data you need to keep off the computer (e.g., use an external HD).
  • If applicable, remove it from your department’s computer inventory tracking systems.
  • After the ticket is submitted, you'll receive an email with instructions on scheduling a date/time for the computer to be picked up from a campus location. If you can't bring it to campus, ship it as instructed by your department.

Need Help? 

If you need assistance, please contact us. Support for faculty, staff, and student employees is available in person or online:

Important Dates:

  • October 14, 2025 - Windows 10 End of Life 

Please note:After October 14, 2025, the Windows 10 operating system will no longer meet the Minimum Security Standards for Network Devices (MSSND) policy. ISO reserves the right to block any vulnerable device immediately per the Blocking Network Access Policy

Additional Resources: