May 26, 2021

These are targeted and simple forms of phishing emails designed to get victims to click on a link that contains malicious content or steals your credentials.

Tips if Something Seems Off:

Double-check the email address before responding

Look to make sure the email address is correct. In Gmail hover your mouse over the sender name for the email to display. On a mobile phone or a touchscreen, press and hold the link (don't tap!) to reveal the actual URL. (Look in the bottom left corner of the browser window.) Don't click on a link unless it goes to a URL you trust.

Follow up with the sender separately

If you didn’t expect it, reject it. Or follow-up with the individual directly in a separate email or call/text to confirm.

Report and/or flag it

  • Open the message

  • To the right of 'Reply' arrow

  • Select 'More' (typically denoted with three vertical dots)

  • Then 'Report phishing'

If you are unable to log into bMail, forward the message to sends e-mail) For more information visit

Examples of these types of attacks include:

Original Message:

From: <> 
Date: Mon, May 24, 2021 at 12:52 PM
To: <>

Outgoing Mail Error

Due to server error, 6 new mails you sent from are stucked in
Release below to re-send all stuck emails to the destination boxes.
Release Emails
This is a mandatory webmail service sent to
From: " sends e-mail)"
Date: Mon, May 24, 2021 at 8:16 PM
Subject: UPDATE REQUIRED ON sends e-mail)
To: < sends e-mail)>

Outgoing Mail Error

Due to server error, 6 new mails you sent from sends e-mail) are
stucked in is external)

Release below to re-send all stuck emails to the destination boxes.

Release Emails

This is a mandatory is external) webmail service sent to sends e-mail)

Warning:  The links and email addresses included in these messages are from real-life examples, do not attempt to explore them.

The most dangerous links have been removed - you can hover your cursor over these links to see the original address in a pop-up techtip (instead of in the corner of the browser window).

How to report phishing:

  • Open the message

  • To the right of 'Reply' arrow

  • Select 'More' (typically denoted with three vertical dots)

  • Then 'Report phishing'

If you are unable to log into bMail, forward the message to sends e-mail)