The Information Security Workgroup (ISW) is a forum for IT staff to learn about and provide input on central security solutions. Group meetings are open to anyone who wants to attend, but will be geared to departmental IT staff responsible for managing information security.
Examples of issues we will bring to this group for discussion and review include:
- Feature requests and updates for ISO applications (Socreg, bSecure, etc.)
- Security Policy updates and changes
- Training opportunities
- Guidelines for appropriate security controls for systems, apps, DB, etc.
- Suggestions for ISO service additions and improvements
All meeting announcements and communications will take place through the ISWorkgroup.
Please go to https://groups.google.com/a/lists.berkeley.edu/forum/#!forum/isworkgroup to request to be added to the workgroup. Only verified UC Berkeley employees may join.
Information security is a shared responsibility and as such, will be most successful if the development and implementation of central security solutions involve input and engagement from departmental IT staff. We look forward to working with IT staff across campus to improve security for students, faculty, and staff.
Meeting Schedule:
Meetings will be held via Zoom on the 3rd Tuesday in February, April, June, August, October, and December.