Cybersecurity Awareness

Fake DUO Authentication Request

October 9, 2023
What makes this a phishing message?

This targeted phishing scam impersonates the UC Berkeley Duo Admin to create fear to cause the recipients to act, scanning the QR code which leads to a malicious link.

This targeted phishing scam uses urgency and fear to cause the recipients to act, exposing their personal information.

Tips if Something Seems Off: Double-check the email address before responding. Individual email users (even accounts made to look like accounts) will never ask for this action. If the link is followed, the campus will NEVER ask for credentials to be...

Password Management with LastPass


Creating strong, unique passwords for each of your personal and work accounts isn't a chore when using a password manager - like LastPass. LastPass can generate and remember passwords for you - no more writing your passwords down and potentially exposing your credentials. Using strong and unique passwords on each of your accounts increases your personal and professional online security.

UC Berkeley offers FREE...

Holiday Shopping Posters

Broaden your online shopping awareness

Below are posters (11" x 17") and flyers (8.5" x 11") you can use to learn how to protect yourself from cyber criminals while shopping this season.
Click on the image(s) to download the pdf.

Cybersecurity Posters and Flyers

Security is a shared responsibility. We all have a part to play. Know what you are working with and protect research with these handy flyers.

Click on the image(s) to download the pdfs.

Security Tips for Travel

We often take for granted what it means to travel with our devices and staying digitally connected often means connecting to public networks in hotels, airports, train stations, and conference halls, that employ minimal security measures. Public networks may harbor malware from cybercriminals looking to steal your data for identity fraud, as well as nation-state actors targeting academic and business...


Discover security training courses and tools

Annual Cybersecurity Awareness Training

This mandatory, computer-based training covers a variety of information security topics and is accessed through the UC Learning Center, supported by Berkeley People & Culture.

Who has to take the training?

All faculty, staff, and student...