What are the types of email generated by Socreg? Can I opt out from receiving any/all of them?

There are three types of email generated by Socreg:

  1. FYI emails: These emails are rolled up into a single digest which is sent once per week. Users can opt-out of receiving the digest by setting "Receive FYI digest" to “off”. However, at least one member of the Security Contact should continue to receive them.  Some FYI emails are sent immediately, for example when a PD Application or one of its components is modified.

  2. Notices about Access or Asset Requests.  Others may submit a request in Socreg for:

  • Membership within a Security Contact

  • New Group Security Contact

Or an asset:

  • IP Address

  • CC IP Address

  • Device

  • PD Application

Notifications are sent when the request is made and will repeat weekly until either approved or denied in Socreg.  

  1. Notices to "outside" entities (i.e., ISO ticketing system, DNS Administrator, or IT Policy): These are initiated by Socreg backend processes or sometimes by Socreg users and are copied to the Security Contact’s membership.For example, when a request is made for a new Department Security Contact, the request will go to ISO and we will conduct an intake process before creating the Department Security Contact.