Approved Campus Remote Access Services


Per the Minimum Security Standards for Networked Devices Requirement #8: Remote Access Services, any service that provides or allows access to campus systems or networks from all (or significant portions) of the public Internet must be approved by the CISO.

Units may also approve their own remote access services provided the services:

  1. Meet the implementation requirements outlined in MSSND 8: Remote Access Services Guideline, and

  2. Are in documented Unit policy. 

Approved Campuswide Remote Access Services

A list of services that have been reviewed and approved by the CISO for campuswide use are located on the Technology site's Campus Remote Access Services page.

Prohibited Remote Access Services

The following services are not permitted on the campus network.



Tor Project

General use of the Tor project is permitted; however, operating a Tor project “exit node” on the campus network is prohibited.