
Items related to BFB-IS-3: Electronic Information Security Policy

Unit Self-Assessment and Isora GRC


As part of UC Berkeley’s implementation of UC Electronic Information Security Policy BFB-IS-3 (IS-3), each Unit is responsible for completing and periodically reviewing and updating a high-level IS-3 Unit Self-Assessment. The assessment and resulting report are designed to identify areas of risk to help focus a Unit’s security activities for the following year.

The value of the Unit Self-Assessment comes from the process of completing it, which identifies strengths and areas for...

Cyber Risk Management Program

Welcome to UC Berkeley’s Cyber Risk Management Program service page. Berkeley’s Cyber Risk Management Program is a holistic program to help Units manage cyber risk as well as compliance with IS-3, UC's systemwide electronic information security policy.

Here you will find information and resources to help your Unit with its ongoing cyber risk management and annual IS-3 review.

Jump to: Key Program Principles |...

IS-3 Implementation


The update of UC's Electronic Information Security Policy, IS-3, in 2018 brought changes to the way information security risk is managed at UC, and here at Berkeley. This project is designed to integrate IS-3's requirements and principles into Berkeley's existing information security program in a way that aligns with core campus priorities and values. It will help to ensure that risk is understood and addressed at the appropriate organizational levels, and includes updating the fundamentals of the campus’ security program to current UC and industry...

IS-3 Informational Page


UC Business and Finance Bulletin IS-3 is the University of California’s systemwide information security policy. A major update to IS-3 was finalized in September 2018. The policy and related standards are available here:

The new IS-3 changed the way information security risk is handled within the university. Foundational elements include:


Information Security Policy Guide for Units

This is a working document last updated May 30, 2024 I. Introduction

The UC system wide policy UC Electronic Information Security Policy BFB-IS-3 (IS-3) establishes that Units are responsible for the appropriate protection of Institutional Information and IT Resources within the Unit. IS-3 identifies specific information security-related requirements and...

Workstation Encryption Guide

Welcome to the IS-3 Annual Theme webpage for FY24! On this page you will find practical tools, resources and videos for encrypting the workstations in your unit.

Option #1: Berkeley Managed Desktop Service

Enroll your workstations in the Berkeley Managed Desktop service, which offers a number of benefits such as:

Encryption by default for newly enrolled desktop and laptop computers Standard operating system and software Automated...

Instructions for Registering P4 Workstations in Socreg


P4 workstations need to be registered as Protected Data Applications in Socreg. This applies to:

Workstations that store P4 Institutional Information. Workstations that are used to connect to P4 systems or services IF the user's credentials provide access to P4 Institutional Information in that system/service. Workstations that are used to administer P4 systems or services. Process:

To register a large number of P4 workstations, please contact for assistance. Otherwise, select one of the...

IS-3 Resources


UC Business and Finance Bulletin IS-3 is the University of California’s systemwide information security policy. A major update to IS-3 was finalized in September 2018 and the new IS-3 changes the way information security risk is handled within the university. For more information visit our IS-3 Implementation Project page

The following resources provide additional information on the IS-3 policy. We will continue to post more information and supporting documents as they become...

Cybersecurity Posters and Flyers

Security is a shared responsibility. We all have a part to play. Know what you are working with and protect research with these handy flyers.

Click on the image(s) to download the pdfs.